Elegance &

Your dream lover, ought to find out?

Dare to seek more?

Chosen from the Gods,
I’m here to offer you your best experience.

As what they say,
I am the lover from venus.

Brief Introduction

A short greeting from me, Nayaka Rafazel, an August born boy that is ready to be your true caregiver. My most used nicknames are Rafa or Azel, but you can call me with whatever you’d like, I’m comfortable with any nickname my lover gives me. I am very fond of reading books, I read any genre including non-fictional books as well! I would really love a book date with coffee and you as my company. Other than that, I enjoy quite a lot of things such as listening to music (mostly rnb or indie), traveling, writing, and cooking.

By reading the requirements below,

you agree with every term that we’ve arranged and ready to accept any consequences if violated.

  • Work Hours : Weekdays : 08 AM - 11 PM, Weekends : 10.30 AM - 1 AM

  • Available for BA, CA, and RP. Using FA, PA, or private accounts are strictly prohibited

  • The platforms that are used are Twitter, Telegram, iMessage, and Kakaotalk.

  • To prevent hit and run, future customers must pay first before renting. (Via QRIS)

  • All the rates that are listed on the ‘Rated Card’ will be applied multiply

  • OTP and VN are allowed (strictly SFW packages only). However, OTP can only be done in a maximum period of 2 hours.

  • I maintain professionalism and highly respects my customers' privacy, talking about a lot of RL matters is strictly prohibited.

  • Please check my availability before booking a date, as I might be busy with his real life activities, you can check my schedules through my manager.

  • After the renting period is over, customers must leave a testimonal


Please do everything with consent, be it using harshwords or talking about IRL matters. I am above the legal age, I am mature enough to talk about anything and including doing NSFW sessions as well.


Strictly do not trespass any of the boundaries between talent and client, l respect each and every one of your privacy and please do vice versa. Stalking, blackmailing, and searching my number on gtc are strictly prohibited.

Services we provide

Free Services:
• Face claim request
• Language request
• Pet names
• Spotify session

Paid Services:
• OTP: 10k/hour
• VN: 5k/recording [only for SFW packages.]
• Spotify playlist: 2k
• Timeline interactions (only for VIP): 3k
• Game and or movie date: 3k
• Detailed imagine/plotting: please discuss this on dm

Rate Card

TypePriceDetails and information
As your bestfriend7k/dayAll free services, timeline interaction, and game/movie date. I will be serving three customers per day
As your sibling or family7k/dayAll free services, timeline interaction, and game/movie date. I will be serving two customers per day
As your lover (VIP)12k/dayAll free services, timeline interactions, a free VN recording/writing, your date of choice. I will be serving one customer per platform (only 2 platforms applied)
As your lover (VVIP)20kAll free services, timeline interactions, a free VN recording/writing, your date of choice. I will be serving only you

Order Format

Your account and nickname:
Your chosen platform + ID :
Your account type :
What relationship do you prefer : (Brother, Bestfriend, or Lover)
Type of service : (VIP/VVIP, SFW/NSFW)
Renting Period :
Any added services :

Do's :
Don'ts :
Language request :
Muse/face-claim request :
Pet name request :

Please describe yourself thoroughly :